Symptoms of adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulders

Symptoms of adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulders

Symptoms of adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulders

Almost 3 percent of the world’s population suffers from adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulders). Many a time people misunderstand as arthritis, but it is not as it happens only in the joints of the shoulders. Whereas arthritis is the pain of the joints and can be in any of the joints of the body. It is most common in females. Also, the age group of 40-60 is more prone to frozen shoulders. It leads to absolute no movement of the shoulder of the diseased.

Causes of adhesive capsulitis

There is a stiffness in the shoulders that leads to a pain in the shoulders. Due to adhesive capsulitis, the movement of the shoulders becomes limited. The shoulder becomes stiffer and it became harder to move.

The shoulder has a three bone joint and is able to move freely due to the fluid present in the joint. The ligaments, bones and, tendons are connected by a connective tissue that makes up your shoulder joint. Frozen shoulder occurs when the movement is restricted around the shoulder joint when the capsule thickens.

People more prone to adhesive capsulitis

It is actually more prone to some people, which is still not clear. But people suffering from diabetes are more prone to frozen shoulder. The people who have recently started to move their shoulders after an accident or a fracture may also develop a frozen shoulder. There might also be pain in the upper part of the muscles of the shoulder that wrap around the top of our shoulder arm. It may surely lead to discomfort while sleeping. Ther basically three phases of frozen shoulders, which are as follows:

  • Freezing or painful stage
  • Frozen
  • Thawing

There are various other conditions that might increase the risks of frozen shoulderssuch as:

  • Stroke
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Parkinson’s disease

Diagnosis and treatment of adhesive capsulitis

The doctors diagnose frozen shoulders by taking various tests, the examination of the shoulders and other symptoms of the patient. There might be various reasons for frozen shoulders which can only be determined by modern technologies such as X-ray or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

It can be wisely treated with the help of doctors but it completely depends on the mindset of the individual. If one waits for the shoulder to be unfrozen on its own, then it may even take more than 3 years to be back to normal. Usually, the pain can be treated by medication and with the help of some physical exercises. But in some cases, the pain might not go away and there might be a need for surgery. The doctor might also inject sterile water in order to increase the movement of the shoulder joint.

Prevention from frozen shoulders

Diabetic patients are more prone to it, so they must keep their diabetes in control and must reduce the chances of the frozen shoulders. Early treatments help in getting better relief and might lead to the after-effects of it. If somebody has an accident that prevents them from using their shoulder joint then they must talk to their doctor for some exercises to prevent such conditions.

If You want to get best frozen shoulder treatment in bangalore, then reach Ayush Health Clinic.