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Has any time been when everyone in this world was perfectly healthy???? Nope. Never in history. Neither now. Nor can anyone be in the future. You know this is earth and not a paradise for everyone to be perfectly alright especially in the context of health. Every time everywhere you find people complaining about their health issues. You see people discussing about a lot of issues as freely as water flows from river to sea. But what about issues related about sex??? You hardly find anyone discussing about their sexual problem even during private sessions with his / her family doctor.

Does any issue relating to health become a taboo even when Qyou are with your family doctor??? If yes, there is a specialist category among the doctors who deal with your ‘tabooed’ issues relating to health. Sexologists are the ones whom you have to meet if you really want the best solutions for your tabooed health issues. They are those doctors who don’t know about your family or your identity in a society as your family doctor does. All they know is how to get you out of your tabooed health issues.

It is not unusual to have problems relating to sexual life. 49% of men and 37% of women face problems relating to sexual life. But people who turn up to a sexologist still remain at a low number. What people are not realizing is that getting problems relating to sexual life cured is as important as every other health problem. Increased awareness has led to a gradual increase in patients visiting sexologists.

By the way, what alarms you about meeting a sexologist?

Low Sexual Desire

Low sexual desire might be with one partner or sometimes both the partners might lack sexual desire. The reasons might be lack of production of related hormones, anxiety, low self-esteem, guilt, forced marriage, etc… Low sexual desire will often not let a couple even have intercourse for years together causing disinterest in relationship.

Pre-Occupation with Sexual Thoughts

Though this is not restricted to any gender, it is most common among men. Many of them are continuously obsessed with sexual thoughts the whole day. This obsession with sexual thoughts often creates situations that their regular activities and responsibilities get disturbed. Sexologists will be of great help to come out of such thoughts.

Confusion about Sexual Orientation

Sometimes people find it difficult to identify their sexual orientation. This is a problem that cannot be shared with anyone no matter how close a person is. It needs a solution because confusion about sexual orientation might create psychological disorders in many cases During such times it is a sexologist who can help him/her identify his/her sexual orientation.

Unable To Achieve Orgasm

Getting to that tipping moment is everyone’s desire for a lifetime. Many couples complain about being unable to achieve orgasm. A sense of being unable to achieve orgasm often leads to psychological such as depression and low self-esteem. If an inability to achieve orgasm continues for long it is better to meet a sexologist quickly.

Unusual Fantasies

Fantasies play a big role in helping the couple enjoy variety in their intercourse. But sometimes, these fantasies go to a different extent leading to problems. Unusual fantasies of a partner might trouble either any one of the partner or both of them. Unusual fantasies if not treated in time, they might lead to disastrous consequences.

Problems That Only A Sexologist Can Help You:

Well, there are many problems that only a sexologist can help you. Some problems are related to men, some are related to women and some to both of them. Here are some common problems that, according to leading sexologist hospital in Kuwait, you need to address immediately:

Erectile Dysfunction

This is a problem concerning men where he is not able to hold an erection for long. Erectile dysfunction also refers to a condition where a man is not able to get an erection at all. As per recent researches, one in every 10 men suffers erectile dysfunction problem. Stress, disinterest, guilt, compatibility problems, etc… cause erectile dysfunctions.

Discomfort During Intercourse

Some couples suffer discomfort during intercourse. Discomfort will never let intercourse be pleasurable. Discomfort might be during or after intercourse. Pain, infections, dryness, allergies, etc… can cause discomfort during intercourse.

Problems Related To Ejaculation

There are three major problems related to ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation happens very quickly. Retarded ejaculation is when ejaculation is delayed. Lastly, retrograde ejaculation is when the ejaculation is forced back instead of forcing towards the exit.

Arousal Disorder

This is common among women where they fail to achieve enough arousal before or during intercourse. Depression, stress, anxiety, lack of desire makes it difficult for women to gain arousal. This often creates problems for the couple to fully enjoy their intercourse.

 Bleeding During or After the Action

Bleeding is a problem that is prevalent among men and women equally. Genital bleeding is the most common among all. This might be due to inflammations, ulcer, etc… caused by various health conditions. Bleeding might cause painful, or burning sensation or even painless in some cases. But in any case, it needs immediate attention of a sexologist.

Sexual intercourse determines how a relationship is kept between the couples. It helps in keeping a marital relationship intimate and strong. The pleasure component of any relationship is mainly driven by sexual satisfaction. It also keeps self-confidence up in an individual be it a man or a woman. It is important for maintaining an individual’s physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing.

Unfortunately, many couples face problems relating to their sexual life. These problems if not attended by an expert and cured soon, it might end up in affection the relationship between the couple. There are a ton of examples where couples with the strongest relationship have broken their relationship because of sexual dissatisfaction. Many sexologist hospitals in Kuwait have been helping couples counter their problems relating to their sexual life and lead a happy and pleasurable life.

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