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Know all about sciatica treatments now and get relief quickly

Are you suffering from back pain? If yes this article is for going to help you. It may be surprising to many of us that back pain is more common but dangerous than you think. With a busy lifestyle and no time for visiting a doctor often, people ignore the disease. Most of us get relief with pain killers but that doesn’t solve the back pain. Sciatica Treatment in Bangalore Today focus on a complete assessment of the problem. And therefore gives complete relief.

Now the question is what is Sciatica?  It is the pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve and runs down from the back to the legs. The number of people suffering from this kind of back pain is increasing today. You might not know but it is very common and usually self-diagnosable. Sciatica treatment in Bangalore today offers both non-surgical and surgical options to the patients.

The treatment options and doctors available

Sciatica treatments are generally handled by Orthopaedic Surgeon, Pain Management and Physiotherapists. Here are the treatments that are suggested by the doctors to sciatica patients.

  • In the initial phase, when patients come with slight pain doctors prescribe over-the-counter or prescription medications. These medicines are effective in reducing or relieving sciatica pain initially.
  • When it comes to non-surgical options, doctors suggest applying ice or cold packs to the low back. These helps in reducing the swelling around the sciatic nerve and numbs the nerve. These technique helps to minimize the pain.
  • Shooting back pain can be unnerving so patients are often told to take physical therapy. This therapy includes stretching exercises to decrease pressure on the nerve. Massage and Acupuncture is also other treatment options here.
  • When it comes to a deeper problem non- surgical treatments don’t works. In this case patients are offered with the surgical options like Microdiscectomy. Doctors also suggest spinal injections to reduce the pain.
  • Surgical options are only suggested by doctors when medicines and light physical therapies don’t work. This is because every surgery comes with some risks and benefits. Most cases of sciatica works with medicine and self-care. And it is seen that patients with a chronic problem get relief in a month with physical therapy.

Lastly, when it’s come to a health-related issue, self-medicating is not recommended. Some pain killers work for someone but that might not work for everyone. Depending on the cause of sciatica, the treatment options change. So it’s better to visit a Sciatica specialist and get your problem reviewed by an expert. Do not forget health is wealth. Cause of Sciatica can be a simple injury or infection but it can also be because of something more serious like a tumour.

Ayush Health Clinic Offer Best Sciatica Treatment in Bangalore!

Sciatica is a pain caused in the nerve called the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in our body. The sciatic nerve starts from the lower end of the spinal cord and goes down through the leg and ends at the feet. In a simple sense, it connects the lower half of your body with the spinal cord. If your skin sensation all over your lower leg is sensitive it is because of the sciatic nerve. Now you can guess its importance. If your doctor says that your back pain is sciatica and not general back pain, it means that your sciatic nerve is affected.

Causes of Sciatica

It is because of irritation of the sciatic nerve at its starting point that is in the lower back. That is the reason you experience pain in your lower back.

Herniated discs could cause pressure on the sciatic nerve causing pain. Discs act like cushion support for the spinal cord. Sometimes extreme ruptures can cause a herniation. This herniation causes pressure that eventually results in irritation in the sciatic nerve.

During pregnancy, there is a possibility that the pregnant woman suffers from sciatica. Pregnancy at times irritates the sciatic nerve resulting in sciatica.

Sometimes the spinal canal gets compressed. This compression causes pinching of the spinal cord or numbness or cramping. This is another cause of sciatica. The cramping can always affect the sciatic nerve. Cramping creates irritation to the sciatic nerve causing pain in the lower back region.

Symptoms of Sciatica

First among every other symptom is that you will observe pain in the lower back. Since the sciatic nerve starts from the roots of the lower end of the spinal cord, pain in the lower back is common. You might even feel pain in your hip area.

You might feel burning sensation all through the leg. The sciatic nerve runs down the leg till the feet and it is the whole nerve that is affected and not a part of it. Hence the whole area of your leg might experience a burning sensation. In some cases, burning sensation might not be seen. Instead, a tingling sensation will be observed. Tingling is a condition where you feel numbness or a kind of pricking pain. If you feel as if someone is pricking you with a needle, it is nothing but tingling sensation. If you do not feel burning sensation but have a tingling sensation, then it is still a symptom of sciatica.

Weakness in the leg will be another symptom. If you feel difficult to move your leg, it is a clear indication that your sciatic nerve is affected. If you find it difficult to move your leg and weakness in the leg, you have to see if there is difficulty every time you stand up. If the sciatic nerve is affected, then you should feel a shooting pain every time you stand up.

In total, we can say, if you are suffering sciatica then you will have problems in almost every portion of your lower half of the body. Especially your lower back and leg region will have a bad time.

What if you don’t meet the doctor on time???

If adequate treatment is not given to sciatica, then there are chances that it might lead to worst consequences. Negligence of sciatica might lead to the following conditions:

Lumbar disc disease – Lumbar disc disease is a condition where the disc in the spinal cord will start drying out. The disc in the spinal cord isn’t a disc of hard material. It is a gel-like material that provides a cushion-like packing for the spinal cord. If that disc (gel) gets dried out then the person will suffer the extremely painful condition.

Degenerative arthritis – In degenerative arthritis, a person’s cartilages get damaged. Cartilages are tissues that surround the bones and joints helping joints with its flexibility, to make movements. People who neglect sciatica might suffer degenerative arthritis affecting their spinal cord.

Injury to lumbar spine – Lumbar spine is a name given to the lower part of the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve starts from the roots of the lower end of the spinal cord. If sciatica is neglected or not given adequate medical attention, it might cause injury to the lumbar spine. Injury to lumbar spine might result in loss of ability to control the legs, numbness in legs, unwanted reflex action even without adequate or any stimulus to provoke the reflexes and many more. Injury to lumbar spine starts with extreme pain in the lower back area and slowly aggravates to the above-mentioned complications.

Other negative consequences of sciatica include difficulty in walking, numbness to walk, extreme pain in the lower back and many more.

What relieves you from Sciatica???

The most relieving thing about treatment options for sciatica is that you need not undergo any kind of surgeries. There are different non – surgical treatment options for sciatica.

At home, you can apply ice packs as much as you want. You will know the relief you can get when the ice packs are applied. It’s better to freeze for a while than suffering pain, isn’t it???

You can take pain relievers on the advice of your doctor. There are many pain relievers available and you can choose the one your doctor advises you to take. Remember do not take pain killers without consulting your doctor.

Physiotherapy is not an option. It is a mandatory thing that you need to go for if you are suffering from sciatica. Physiotherapy is very much needed during and after the treatment is completed. Pain management during the treatments are going on, helps you manage pain from aggravating due to inappropriate movements. Effects of sciatica post the treatment isn’t something that is just about pain. It is about difficulties with movement. Due to difficulties of movements, you might not have done enough movements during the time you suffered sciatica. As the condition starts curing a physiotherapist helps you slowly start movements based on the levels at which the condition is getting cured.

The spinal cord is something that requires great attention when you have even the smallest problems with it. If you are doubting sciatica, it is better to visit your doctor the same day.

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