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UTI: Symptoms, causes, and treatment

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is the infection developed in any part of the urinary system; it can be a kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra. Mostly it is developed from bacteria and sometimes from fungi and viruses. The chances are more in women to develop UTI than men and also in the older age people. Usually, UTI involves lower urinary tract that is the bladder and urethra, if UTI is left untreated then the infection can spread to ureter and kidney, upper tract.


Nausea and vomiting

Blood and Strong odor in urine

High urge for urination

Pelvic pain in women and Rectal pain in men

Burning sensation while urinating

Fever or chills

Pain in the back or lower abdomen


• UTI developed when bacteria, fungi, and viruses enter the urinary tract and start multiplying in the bladder. The main cause includes
• Diabetes - Passing of high sugar can develop bacteria
• kidney stone - Can restrict urine flow
• Pregnancy and menopause
• Use of a diaphragm for birth control
• Sexual intercourse with an infected partner

UTI Treatment

The treatment depends on the symptoms and infected urinary area. If you are Experiencing, the above symptoms, consult with a doctor immediately. The UTI in the lower tract sometimes can be treated simply by antibiotics, when the UTI started developing in the upper tract then it needs to be diagnosed with a CT scan, MRI and x-ray. Your physician will suggest you some urinal tests and start the treatment according to the symptoms. Some methods are here to prevent UTI
Drink plenty of water
Drink cranberry juice
Change birth control methods
Wipe from front to back after urination
Don’t hold urine for long
Empty bladder just after intercourse
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