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What is Arthritis (Joint Pain)?

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It can affect one joint or multiple joints. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, with different causes and treatment methods. Two of the most common types are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Arthritis is most commonly seen in adults over the age of 65, but it can also develop in children, teens, and younger adults. Arthritis is more common in women than men and in people who are overweight.


Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling are the most common symptoms of arthritis. Your range of motion may also decrease, and you may experience redness of the skin around the joint. Many people with arthritis notice their symptoms are worse in the morning.

In the case of RA, you may feel tired or experience a loss of appetite due to the inflammation the immune system’s activity causes. You may also become anaemic, or have a slight fever.


Normal wear and tear, genetic, autoimmune all contribute to the causes of Arthritis.

Besides these, A reduction in the normal amount of cartilage tissue cause some forms of arthritis.

Cartilage is a firm but flexible connective tissue in your joints. It protects the joints by absorbing the pressure and shock created when you move and put stress on them.

Treatment for Arthritis

Arthritis can be treated either by medication or surgery or physiotherapy.


• Avoid fried and spicy food
• Regular exercises solve two purposes as it give movements to the joints and also maintains normal body weight
• Eat fruits and green veggies. Choose diets with lots of antioxidants will help to reduce inflammation.

As age grows so many health problems occur in the human body and one of the most common problems is joint pain, it has been seen more in old people compared to children, teens or young age group. Many of us neglect joint pain or try home remedies to treat it, but it can be a symptom of arthritis also. It is best advisable to meet a doctor if have joint pain often just to confirm whether you are suffering from arthritis or not. If yes you have to look for its treatment. Ayush Health Clinic is considered among top clinics for offering the best arthritis treatment in Bangalore.

Patients come with symptoms like joint pain, swelling, stiffness is undergoing for detail check to confirm arthritis. Once it is confirmed patients are treated and advised accordingly. Eating healthy food and avoiding fried, junk and spicy food is advisable for arthritis patients. Don’t ignore if you found joint pain, stiffness, swelling or loss of appetite consult us we can examine you properly and provide you best results with our treatment. Call Us to Book an Appointment Today or Visit us to know more about arthritis treatment or to clarify all your doubts related to arthritis.

Best Arthritis Treatment is offered at Ayush Health Clinic

Arthritis Types and Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is not just one health condition. It is a common term that is used to address more than 100 kinds of health conditions that bother your joints. In general sense, Arthritis is a kind of joint pain caused due to inflammation in joints. Not all joint pains are arthritis but if you are suffering from arthritis then you will have severe joint pains.

The symptoms include joint pain, swelling, stiffness in joints, inflammation ion joints, in some cases damages to the cartilage of affected joints can be observed. All these symptoms ultimately affect normal life imposing limitations on movements.

Types of Arthritis

Degenerative Arthritis

This is most common among other types of arthritis. Degenerative arthritis is also called as Osteoarthritis. It is caused because of damage of cartilage of joints. The cartilage gets damages mostly in cases of over usage of joints or in cases where joint movements are inappropriately carried out many times continuously. In these cases the cartilages get degenerated by scaling in some cracks are formed in the cartilage. Since the cartilage is deformed, every time the joint is moved the bones rub to each other and cause severe pain. Pain is accompanied by stiffness and swelling.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune is a condition where the immune system of the body attacks your own body. The immune system in the body is supposed to identify foreign bodies and verify if they are harmful. If any harmful foreign bodies enter our body, the immune system attacks it and destroys it and keeps us safe from its harmful effects. In Rheumatoid arthritis, it is the opposite. The immune system fails to understand the joints are a part of the body and mistakes to a harmful foreign body and attacks. The result is that the joint tissues are damaged and in some cases, they are destroyed. It starts from joint inflammation and ends up causing severe joint pain. Rheumatoid arthritis is not normal arthritis that limits itself to joint pain and inflammation and or swelling. It can cause severe health complications that might even result in death.

Psoriatic Arthritis

This is a kind of arthritis where the arthritis is accompanied by psoriasis. Psoriasis is a health condition affecting the skin. In cases, if psoriasis, the patients suffer inflammation of the skin. It is caused by the rapid multiplication of skin cells. This causes patches on the skin or scales of skin that often peel off and reoccur after that. Joint pain and inflammation coupled with psoriasis create a life that no one except sufferer can describe. In the beginning, joints get inflamed and cause arthritis. Slowly start the redness and inflammation of skin later the condition aggravates and causes psoriasis. Thus your doctor reports the condition as psoriatic arthritis.


Gout is a kind of arthritis but without inflammation. Arthritis in cases of gout is caused due to the collection of uric acid in the joints. The uric acid forms crystal-like structures and accumulates itself in the spaces around the joint. These crystals rub to the joint whenever any movement is made in the joint causing severe pain. Gout usually affects the foot and in a majority of the cases the big toe. It occurs when the kidney starts working inadequately. In some cases, the kidney does not function as much as needed. In such cases, some amount of uric acid remains unprocessed and finds a place for itself in the foot joints and hardens itself into crystal-like structures causing severe pain.

Treatments for Arthritis

Blood, urine and joint fluid are tested under laboratory conditions to find out what kind of arthritis you are affected by. In extreme cases the where the joints become stiff and bent, an x-ray is used. With x-rays, even loss of cartilage, joint damage, bone damage, etc… can be understood clearly.

Treatments usually start with medications that are prescribed. Pain killers are usually prescribed based on the severity of the pain you are undergoing. Joint pain exists in every type of arthritis be it any cause. Inflammation control drugs are also suggested. And what kind of inflammation control drugs your doctor suggests depends on the type of arthritis you are suffering and the rate at which the inflammation is accelerating.

In extreme cases, the doctor can suggest you undergo joint surgeries. Depending on what way arthritis has affected your joints, the doctor might suggest you for joint repair or joint replacement itself.

Joint Fusion – In joint fusion, two joints are attached, making use of surgical methods. In areas such as knuckles, feet, etc…, arthritis affects even the smallest bone joints and their cartilage gets deformed to the extent that it cannot be repaired by medications. In such cases, joint fusion is carried out. Joint fusion helps in bringing down the severity of pain. Since the cartilage is deformed, the bone joints rub to each other causing pain. Fusing such bones stops them from rubbing. By the way, the kind of joint fusion surgery performed in cases of arthritis is called arthrodesis.

Joint Replacement – Joint replacement is something almost everyone by now might have known about. Here the damaged joint is replaced by an artificial joint. When the bones rub to each other for a long time, they get damaged severely causing increasingly severe pain. This makes it worse for the patient suffering arthritis. Also, their movements become very much limited affecting their daily comfortable living. Joint replacement is a boon for such people as it helps them have a better best life post the surgery. Artificial bones can be replaced in the placed of damaged bones and quite very soon one can get back to their daily activities as soon as they recover. The recovery period varies from case to case depending upon their age, strength to withstand the post-surgical discomforts and pan, etc…

Whether or not you undergo surgery, physiotherapy is a must. It helps you regain movements with minimum discomfort and help manage pain during painful times.

Know Arthritis Condition in Detail

Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation to the joints. Arthritis is one of the very common conditions that affect people all over the world. Along with inflation of the joints, a person may also experience stiffness and this may aggrivate as you grow older. Multiple kinds of arthritis exist and its type goes up to almost a hundred different kinds that are seen in people across various age groups. Each of these Arthritis conditions causes wear and tear as well as different kinds of infections that lead to pain and swelling.

When one is suffering from arthritis, they may either have pain in one joint or multiple joints at a time. There are various treatments available to relieve one from this condition but 100% treatment may not be possible in all cases as this is also related to a person's age and ability to react to the medication as you grow older.

The two most common types of Arthritis conditions can be mentioned as Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. If you are suffering from pain in joints that are continuously present for over a while then it is essential to consult your medical specialist to get an accurate diagnosis of this particular condition. This may greatly help you to get on track with the appropriate line of treatment and it may reduce the effects of this particular condition. Timely treatment can help you deal with Arthritis better. Besides this, various other factors need to be carefully understood to be aware of how to deal with it and also delay the condition if possible.

Almost 180 million people across India are affected by this joint pain condition and this figure is much higher than other lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. One of the most commonly seen causes of joint pain, if not treated in time, arthritis can affect the day to day functioning of a person and leave them immobile.

It is highly essential to keep a check on the early signs of inflammatory conditions to save yourself from making it difficult in the times ahead.

Some of the symptoms that most people are affected with and this could also be the early signs to understand if you suffer from Arthritis or not.

Joint pain is one of the most common symptoms of arthritis this is the reason why most people would like to approach medical specialists to identify the possible reason for the same. The pain may vary depending on person to person and could also be possible because of other reasons. If it is pain due to arthritis then it can depend on the type of arthritis as well as how severe the condition is. People who usually suffer from arthritis describe it as severe pain that grips the joint area and becomes worst when they indulge in any form of physical activity. They do experience some amount of relief when under rest from the same.

Another symptom that arises due to pain in the joints is the swelling that accompanies the pain. Although swelling around the joint area may be present due to various other medical conditions and it is best to rule out other possibilities with a checkup from your medical practitioner. A typical arthritis swelling may be accompanied by severe joint pain. Another common cause for the swelling of the joint may be an injury to the connected area. So if there was no injury occurred, then it is most likely that you may be encountering the pain due to the condition of arthritis.

Along with the swelling and pain, the joints may become very stiff and this is a common occurrence when one is suffering from arthritis. People having this condition always feel stiffness around their joint area. To know if there is some amount of stiffness, you can compare your one joint to the other one. In case you can move your other joint easily then you may be experiencing stiffness due to arthritis that needs to be checked. You may experience acute stiffness if you sit in one position for a longer period and also it may be more severe during morning times. While each of these symptoms may vary from person to person, all those who may be suffering from arthritis are likely to have all these three symptoms for sure.

Deformity caused in the joints is one of the signs that may suggest that it is arthritis. Due to this condition, the cartilage gets worn out and in extreme cases, it may look deformed in appearance. This can also be seen in the hands of some people as the fingers look crooked. In the knee area, some people may also develop a kind of knock-kneed or curved appearance of the leg joint.

When the condition of Arthritis arises the cartilage that is present between the joint which is also known as the smooth lining that covers the rough bone structure and gives it a kind of a cushioning, starts to wear off. This is what causes the rubbing of the bone against each other and the swelling and inflammation develop due to the same. Due to the wear and Tear of the cartilage, the bone starts to be exposed and does not move in a very smooth manner. This leads to a grinding sensation when a movement of the joint occurs.

In certain other cases, the area around the joint may also form some lumps which are nothing but the formation of fluid around the bone area that is present in the form of a pocket. This fluid is usually known as a mucous cyst or spur. While bumps that appear around the joint area may not be very sensitive to touch, they certainly give swollen appearance around the joint. This is another reason why the swelling appears, besides inflammation.

Besides joint pain and swelling the area may also become a bit tender when touched. If you press around the joint area and experience some amount of pain in doing so then it is a clear indication that the area is inflamed due to which it becomes reasonably tender on touching and this nearly suggests that it is a form of arthritis. Tenderness is a common occurrence with all the above-mentioned symptoms when one is suffering from any form of arthritis. Along with this one may also experience some amount of redness and warmth.

Certain facts about Arthritis that all must know. Arthritis is a condition that may also affect children in some cases. Although it is commonly seen as an ailment that mostly affects the aged and older generation. However, this may not hold for everyone and in certain remote cases, young adults, as well as children, may also arthritis at an early age.

A form of arthritis called Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition which develops itself in people aged between 45 to 60 years of age and is not only related to the old age as it is a common belief.

It may not be known to you but arthritis is a condition that affects women more as compared to men. Women are four times more susceptible to this joint condition as compared to their male counterparts. This could be possible due to bone-related issues that women develop during menopause and after that. Osteoporosis is also one such condition many women suffer from while undergoing menopause, and this could be linked to arthritis in some cases.

Arthritis is a condition that is also closely linked to heredity and has a genetic connection. If you have someone in the family who suffers from arthritis in their old age then it is likely that you may also undergo the same condition.

Usually, people who suffer from this ailment show symptoms such as pain, stiffness and swollen joints and therefore unable to perform any form of exercise that in turn aggrivates the situation. Due to inadequate physical activity, they tend to gain more weight and also develop certain lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

The condition of Arthritis is closely linked to what one may consume. It is highly important to follow a healthy food diet and in addition to certain specific kinds of food items that may help in fighting inflammation and reducing joint pain. Here are some of the suggested food types that can be consumed to keep your arthritis levels low.

Some of the vegetables that belong to the cruciferous family such as sprouts, broccoli cabbage, etc. are full of a particular substance called Sulforaphane. The substance is known to Slow down the damaging effects caused to the cartilage due to an arthritis condition called osteoarthritis. Omega 3 fatty acids are also considered to be a good type of fat that helps in countering arthritis. The presence of Omega 3 fatty acids fish such as mackerel and salmon help in fighting inflammation.

Certain other vegetables such as garlic and onions are also known to contain a compound that may help in lowering some symptoms of arthritis as well as many other diseases. This particular compound is known to limit the formation of enzymes that lead to the damage of the cartilage.

Daily consumption of turmeric leads to effects that are beneficial in reducing the effect of arthritis. It contains a compound that tips to manage chronic joint pain and inflammation.

The antioxidants that are present in vitamin C are known to greatly counter the progression of osteoarthritis. Vitamin C can be derived from several fruits such as lemons, Kiwis and strawberries to name a few.

Arthritis can be a very bothersome ailment for one to live with. It is one of the leading causes of disability and joint pain in people across the world. Here is a list of how you can handle this disease and come over it successfully.

It is important to form a strict daily regimen that includes some form of physical exercise along with a set off a diet that is healthy and does not contain artificial foods. In too much packet and ready to cook food can also lead to deposition of sodium and inflammation. One should follow a daily routine where you not only eat healthily but also give a gentle stretch and movement joints to a range of physical activity. This may include a light walk, climbing a few steps, stretching and some bending exercises.Maintain a good posture at all times and do not try to slouch, bend or move around in an incorrect manner. Wrong posture can lead to a change in the structure of your limbs and put pressure on your joints.

Maintain a good posture at all times and do not try to slouch, bend or move around in an incorrect manner. Wrong posture can lead to a change in the structure of your limbs and put pressure on your joints.

Always know what suits you best and try to balance between different forms of activity and take adequate rest in between. In addition to this certain lifestyle changes are highly recommended to ease out the pain caused by various forms of arthritis.

Weight is one of the major causes that contribute to aggravating this particular condition. If you are overweight or obese then it may be difficult for you to deal with arthritis and may contribute largely to pain and swelling. You need to make certain permanent changes to your lifestyle and get into a routine of weight loss. This will decrease the pressure that your body puts on the Lower Limbs and joints and it may ease the condition.

If you're looking for the best Arthritis treatment in town, then you must consult us at Ayush Health Clinic and we will help you deal with this problem in the best possible way. Arthritis is a condition that does need medical intervention and with appropriate medication and certain lifestyle changes, this particular ailment can very well be controlled.

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