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Gallstones: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

The gallbladder is a small organ in the right of the abdomen and below the lever that stores bile juice that helps in digestion. Bile juice is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder until it supplied to the intestines. Gallstone is the small solid material formed in the gallbladder and can cause severe pain that needs to be treated. This can be seen mostly in women of older age. The shape of the gallstone may vary from a pea to a golf ball size.


High cholesterol, if the cholesterol is more in the bile that can cause gallstones.

Moverweight or obesity

High fat, low fiber, high cholesterol Diet

Excessive bilirubin, bilirubin is a chemical produced while the breakdown of red blood cells

Lack of release, if your gallbladder is not releasing bile regularly can cause the formation of gallstones.


• Nausea and vomiting
• Indigestion and other digestive problems
• Upper middle or upper right abdomen pain
• Pain under right shoulder
• Back pain between both shoulder blades


Sometimes the gallstones may develop in the gallbladder and may have no symptoms. At another point, also can have severe pain, blockage of the bile duct, infection and digestive problems. If someone is not having more problems or the stones in small size, then they can take medications. If it is not bearable, in the case the gallstones need to be removed through surgery.
The treatment depends on the factors like gallstone type, the stage of the gallstone, and symptoms you are experiencing. Some prevention is there to reduce the chances like
• maintaining the weight,
• having a healthy diet,
• and not skipping even a single meal.
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